Pertgrein Species in Mictlán | World Anvil
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The Pertgrein were one of the 3 fist species to meet, and one of the 3 in the fist interstellar war. Since the start of the union, the Pertgrein became the most respected species, there is a grace and diplomacy about them that no other species have, and the second most fear species in the union for they are great hunters very dangerous on any surface.   They work very closely with the Azuub for the military its form mainly from this two species, and they form part in the control of the government a position that was assigned to them unanimous with in the Society.

Basic Information


The Pertgrein are a combination between hawk and bat, a bird nymph was the fist description during the fist interstellar war, a kind of humanoid body but their arms have three long folds, when they retract their wings, what humanoids call elbow take the place of their hands and the tip folds against the body.   They have 7 fingers on each hand or "Winglat" 5 shorter fingers that end at the elbows and the other 2 end at the tip of the wing.

Etapas y ritmo de crecimiento

The Pertgrein reach maturity after 3 cycles, the shorter time in record and they have a life expectancy of 1200 cycles the most longeval species in the Society. When they reach the end of their live they enter a state like hibernation and only wake up for a ritual of passing “the final sore” a dance while flying that end when the subject die in mid air to fell in peace.

Ecología y hábitat

Their planet it’s full of life vegetable and water, in spite that the species it’s spread around their hole world, they only developed their cities on the mountains which they cover a 40% of the planet.

Additional Information

Percepción y capacidades sensoriales

They have eyes similar to owls, an evolution trade of hunting on the air, also the have 2 feathers on the front of the head long and slim, they works as antennae on a bug to sense vibration on the environment and to pick up chemical signature of other animals.
Nombre científico
Volantes Sapiens

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