Each and every sentient being, be it demon, human, or ghost, has a facet. A facet is an aspect of personality that has resolved itself into a magical force, for good or evil.
There are seven facets for good and seven for evil. In addition there is an eighth and ultimate facet for good, and an eighth and ultimate facet for evil.
Facets of good are called Children of Love, as they all stem from Love, God's facet. The facets for good are these: Joy, Peace, Faithfulness, Justice, Kindness, Courage, and Hope.Evil
Facets of evil are called Children of Pride, as they all stem from Pride, Alderin's facet. The facets for evil are these: Indolence, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Indulgence, Dissatisfaction, and Despair.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild