Fort Haavaldsrud
Fort Haavaldsrud is a frontier town in the north of the country. The town is centred on resource exploitation, namely forestry. There is also a growing tourism industry due to seasonal cottage goers.
Being so far from society, it is still a wild land where the fears of magic have to be kept in mind.
There are various warning and bulletins around town of different things to beware of, common misconceptions, and tips to ensure a safe and comfortable experience while visiting the region. These include:
How to safely store your food to avoid attracting predators
How to tell you’ve entered a predator’s territory (Bear claw marks, Dryad sigils, etc)
Not to investigate strange sounds at night
It is not irregular that some of the visitors to the community to get into trouble and need help from one of the local Rangers.
The town is led by an elected mayor. There is also a small police department in town with a sheriff and three deputies.
On the edge of town is a large Ranger station which monitors the local area for any problems.
Industry & Trade
Traditionally the town is a lumber town, as the area is rich in the tall, fast growing straight pines needed for a number of wood products. Their pines could be used as telephone poles, studs in construction, or the chips used in creating plywood.
These days, as people begin to try and escape their busy mundane lives, people have taken to going away from civilization to the country side to relax. This has resulted in a booming industry of seasonal cottagers.
The town is in a simple grid pattern set on modern roads. The roads in the town itself are paved. Other than the main road into town, the other roads in the area are either gravel or mud.
Street lights are on all the roads and run through the night. The unnatural light tends to keep away all but the most desperate of predators.
It is highly advised to not let children out after dark, and to keep all doors and windows firmly secured overnight.
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Oh, this reminds me a bit of those out-of-service suburbs hamlet nearby towns in the canadian maritimes. Gives me a overall good picture of it. Happy Summercamp ! :)
Exactly the vibe I was going for. Thanks for checking in. (Just a couple more to go to get to 30!) :)