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Middle-earth is the inhabited continent located to the east of Aman across the Belegaer. The continent is home to a diverse populace: Elves, Men, Dwarves,Hobbits, but also there is great evil here. Orc-kind, Trolls, Wargs, and other foul creatures dwell here as well and most swear allegiance to Sauron, the Lord of the Rings. Most Men look to just live out their lives and pass on a better world to their forebears. The Dwarves seek riches beneath the earth. The Elves stand valiant against the shadow. Hobbits...well, Hobbits love to eat, smoke, and get plastered. Whether they know it or not, all of the Free Peoples live in the shadow of Sauron's influence. This is a land of great songs and tales, of heroes standing up for what's right and where even the most unlikely person can change the course of the future.

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