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Amaleoda, Shield-Maiden of the Black Tarn

Amaleoda is the Shield-Maiden of the Woodsman kin that live on the western shore of the Black Tarn. Young by the standards of the woodsmen leaders, Amaleoda inherited her roll after her father's sudden death to a mysterious illness in 2941. Alas, as much of the Northern tribes were celebrating the defeat of the great Dragon Smaug, Amaleoda was sat by her father's deathbed contemplating how she would ever manage to continue on without him, the sheer weight of her newfound responsibilities bearing down upon her shoulders.   To any outsiders, the Woodsmen of the Black Tarn are simply fishers and hunters, happy to carve out their lives under the shadow of the forest. However a dark and terrible past looms over their kin. They have not always dwelled upon the banks of the lake, they once lived to the north near the Mountains of Mirkwood, but were driven from their home by a foul darkness.   Ever vigilant and quick to muster, some might consider them more "war-like" than the rest of their woodsman cousins. Their cloth is nearly always adorned with deep blood red hues and they often carry many short blades, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. This is as a result of their sorrowful past, but it is also born out of necessity, for they live ever under the looming shadow of Dol Guldur.

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