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Barding Cultural Virtues


"Bard is not lost!" he cried. "He dived from Esgaroth, when the enemy was slain. I am Bard, of the line of Girion; I am the slayer of the Dragon!"
  Before the coming of the Dragon, there were noble houses in Dale, with famed lords who were bold and famously hard to kill. You are a direct descendant of one of the ancient illustrious households that were powerful in the city of Dale of old. You receive a +1 bonus on all Dexterity saving throws. If you are reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright, you are considered to have already successfully passed 1 death saving throw.

Fierce Shot

The great bow twanged … the arrow smote and vanished, barb, shaft and feather…
  You have learnt to bend your bow so fiercely that you hear its string crack like a whip when it sends its arrows flying.   Roll your damage die twice and keep the better result.

King’s Men

But there was still a company of archers that held their ground among the burning houses.
  The former glory of the proud hosts of Dale has been restored by King Bard, and so the martial discipline that once made the city powerful is again imparted to all young men and women alike, lest the city be caught unprepared by assailants. You have sworn to protect the city and its king with your life, and in return you are regularly trained by the most expert swordsmen and bowmen of the realm.   Choose two weapons from the following list: broadswords, long swords, spears, and great bows. You gain proficiency in your two chosen weapons and a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with them.


…and beside them came the men of the Lake with long swords.
  A skilled warrior can use their sword to deflect blows that would have otherwise hit their mark. You have learnt to fight defensively using your weapon to full advantage.   When fighting with either a broadsword or a long sword, add your proficiency bonus to your AC.

Woeful Foresight

"You are always foreboding gloomy things!" said the others. "Anything from floods to poisoned fish. Think of something cheerful!"
  Many citizens of ancient Dale found themselves blessed – or cursed – by a sort of foresight following Smaug’s destruction of the city. As a descendant of one of these bloodlines, you share this gift.   Sometimes, you feel a sense of foreboding that warns you of impending catastrophe and other gloomy events. But the future is always uncertain, and sometimes what you foresee never materialises.   Raise your Wisdom score by 1 point. Additionally, once every Adventuring phase, you may invoke your power of Woeful Foresight. When this happens, the Loremaster should give you a relevant piece of information regarding adverse events likely to occur during your current adventure.   If no such information is available – or the Loremaster prefers not to divulge it – once, before the current Adventuring phase is over, you may choose to automatically succeed at either an attack roll, a saving throw or an ability check (your foresight led to a sudden bout of insight or deeper understanding that helped you at a key moment).   Your foresight manifests in many forms: it can be a hazy vision, a recurring and enigmatic dream, or a cryptic message borne by a talking bird.

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