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Elrond, Lord of Rivendell

Elrond, the Master of Rivendell, has lived in Middle-earth for more than six thousand years and has dwelt in Imladris since its foundation in the Second Age. He is called the ‘Halfelven’, as in his blood are mingled the lineages of the noblest houses of Men and High Elves alike. At the end of the First Age he was given the choice of which kindred he would belong, and Elrond chose to be of Elven-kind.   In the year 109 of the Third Age Elrond married Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn. She bore him three children: Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen.   More than four hundred years ago, Celebrian left Middle-Earth never to return. She had suffered torment at the hands of the Orcs, after they seized her as she journeyed across the Misty Mountains. The healing arts of Elrond healed her body, but could do nothing for her wounded spirit, and she sailed West.   When Celebrian said her last farewell to Imladris, Elrond saw in her eyes the fate of the Elder Kindred still dwelling in Middle-earth – to fade, or depart. From that day, Elrond has redoubled his efforts in guiding others, providing advice and refuge to those who are lost, and attempting always to heal the hurts of the world at the best of his powers.
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