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Men of the West

The Men of the West are the remnants of the once great kingdoms of Men from ages past. They are split amongst several different fiefdoms, chiefest amongst them are the realms of Gondor and Rohan.   Today, the inhabitants of Gondor are Men of the Twilight, tall and fair warriors with memories of ancient things. The people of Gondor dress in a manner that can be considered rich by outsiders. They favour fur-lined cloaks, fine-woven garments in a diverse array of fabrics, and accessories simple in design but precious in materials, like collars and rings of silver or gold, set with precious stones.   By contrast The men and women Rohan are warlike, fair and tall, most often with golden hair and light eyes. Darker hair and eyes are not unknown, though uncommon, and such features are at times looked down upon. They are deemed the signs of Dunlending ancestry, who are regarded with suspicion by the Rohirrim. Both men and women grow their hair long and often tie it in long braids, especially when riding.   While devoted to warfare in all its forms, the Riders of Rohan embrace life to its fullest, celebrating all its positive aspects in song and deed, and mourning their passing in sadness when forgetfulness and old age approach. Famed throughout Middle-earth for their horsemanship, they are equally feared for their prowess in battle, for their skills are formidable and they sing when they kill.   While they may not have the strength and unity of their ancestors, there is courage and honour to be found in men and there is much to come that will hang heavy upon the shoulders of their peoples.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Gondor Names: Gilraen, Ioreth, Ivorwen, Lothariel, Morwen.   Rohan Names: Elfhild, Eowyn, Hild, Theodwyn.

Masculine names

Gondor Names: Adrahil, Amlaith, Anardil, Anarion, Anborn, Angbor, Arador, Araglas, Aragorn, Aragost, Arahad, Arahael, Aranarth, Arannel, Aranuir, Araphant, Araphor, Arassuil, Arathorn, Araval, Aravir, Aravorn, Argeleb, Argonui, Arvedui, Arvegil, Arveleg, Baranor, Belecthor, Beleg, Belegorn, Beregond, Beren, Bergil, Boromir, Celepharn, Cirion, Damrod, Denethor, Derufin, Dervorin, Darhael, Duilin, Duinhir, Ecthelion, Egalmoth, Eldacar, Eradan, Faramir, Findegil, Finduilas, Forlong, Golasgil, Halbarad, Hallas, Hirgon, Hirluin, Hurin, Ingold, Iorlas, Mablung, Malbeth, Malvegil, Ohtar, Orodreth, Thorondir, Thorongil, Turgon.     Rohan Names: Aldor, Baldor, Brego, Brytta, Ceorl, Deor, Deorwine, Dernhelm, Dunhere, Elfhelm, Eofor, Eomund, Eorl, Eothain, Erkenbrand, Fastred, Fengel, Folca, Folcwine, Folcred, Folda, Frea, Freawine, Freca, Galmod, Gamling, Garulf, Gleowine, Goldwine, Gram, Grim, Gr ma, Grimbold, Guthlaf, Hama, Harding, Helm, Herefara, Herubrand, Horn, Theoden, Widfara, Wulf.
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