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Thranduil's Halls

The Halls of the Elvenking began as a series of natural caverns, dug by the river in the distant past. Early in the Third Age, Thranduil moved his seat north, and declared that the caves would become his new palace. The Elves made the caves beautiful and bright, aided by Dwarven craftsmen from the north. The Dwarves burrowed into the hillside, opening up new caves and delving high-ceilinged passages. To outsiders, the halls can be confusing, for they follow the natural flow of the water. There are a great many side passages and smaller caves and tunnels that jut off from the main halls. Thranduil the Elvenking sits on his throne of carven wood, the ruler of his realm since the end of the previous age of the world. A prince of lofty lineage, he is a survivor of cruel wars that have had an enormous effect on his personality and outlook. Obeying his own foreboding heart’s counsel, he long ago resolved to forsake the light of the stars and build a strong fastness under the earth to guard his people.   The great hall of Thranduil lies underground, dug within the northern borders of the Forest of Mirkwood. This choice, odd as it may seem for a lord reigning over a people so fond of the rustling of leaves, is in truth not so unusual for one who has fought the forces of darkness for countless centuries, and could often only find refuge from the Enemy in secrecy and remoteness.   Though under siege, the Wood-elves were still able to find solace above ground; some live in houses and huts deep in the forest, or high among the branches of the tallest beech trees, unseen to mortal eyes who cannot distinguish their abodes from their surroundings. The few guests who enter the gates of Thranduil’s Palace on an invitation from the Elvenking, thinking to descend into a cold dungeon of stone, will be surprised, for this stronghold is unlike any fortress built by Men or even Dwarves. Its passages are twisting and echoing; its halls are airy, with pillars hewn out of the living stone and darkness chased away by bright lamps and red torchlight. Its inhabitants are ready to sing and take up the harp, as soon as their hands have let their bows and spears rest along the tapestried walls. But let any trespassers beware: for the Elves of Mirkwood are as cruel with foes as they are gracious to friends.

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