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Valter the Bloody

Valter was a tribal leader from the south beyond the Redhorn pass, not necessarily a wicked man, his ambitious nature and his disregard for other's lives and wellbeing made him a less than favourable leader and his actions were less than peaceful. He kept the company of particularly foul men who themselves revelled in torture and blood spilling. His peoples were an assortment of several roaming caravans that came under his banner only through fear and threat of death should they not join his cause. A born leader of men. He was charming and well-spoken, but he believed that honour and truth were delusions born of listening to too many stories. Only strength and desire matter.   Valter desired to carve out his own kingdom in the north and for much of his life this desire was nothing more than idle fancy, until some dark fate guided his steps and he fell in with a company of outlaws in the south. He rose to lead the band, and brought them north into Wilderland, promising them that they would have land, women, gold, respect and honour when he came into his new kingdom. Little did all but the closest of his followers know however, that Valter was in league with a being that the tribesmen only referred to as "She-Devil." This dark being had promised to aid in the granting of Valter's lifelong wish, that he would have his kingdom in the north and that he would become a great and feared leader amongst men.    Fortunately for the people's of Rhovanion, Valter's trail of blood and destruction was brought to an end by the Beornings who stood valiantly to protect the quiet lands of the river vales. With the aid of a plucky band of wanderers. The tribe's warrior host were led into a trap at the Stonyford crossing. Here Valter was slain by Oderic, a young woodsman who had fallen in with their tribe, but then acted as a double agent for the Beorning's and their new allies.   Upon Valter's death, a mysterious shard of a black crystal like substance was found along with a piece of tattered parchment that contained upon it an ancient run of Angmar along with a message that the party could not decipher. Greatly troubled by this discovery Mirwá Silvershield took both the parchment and the crystal away with her back to Rivendell to investigate further...

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