Captains of Arnor Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Captains of Arnor

Within the Royal Hosts there are several ranks, each corresponding to a different responsibility:
  Captain-General (S. Berthir i Dagarim). The rank insignia is a Monster head placed on seals, accompanied by a personal cipher.
  High-Captain (S. Cáno Dagorim). The rank insignia is an Eagle placed on seals, accompanied by a personal cipher.
  Army Leader (S. Cáno Dagorwaith). The rank insignia is a Griffin placed on seals, accompanied by a personal cipher.
  General (S. Asthir). The rank insignia is a Bear placed on seals, accompanied by a personal cipher.
  Commander (S. Condir): commander of a Company.
  Knight banneret/Chieftain: commander of a Band. If he is a staff officer of a larger unit, he is always styled Knight Banneret.
  Bannerman (S. Turmahîr; W. Hamilqâsuna): usually deputy of the Band commander or in charge of detachments of the Band.
  Cornet (S. Rom; W. Raspûta): lowest officer, drawn from full-time warriors after a dedicated training period.
  Sergeant (S. Bior; W. Zhaisha): usually in charge of detachments of the Band, drawn from full-time warriors.
  Knight/Man-at-Arms (S. Rochben/Maethor; W. Lohora/Razhûliha)
  Soldier (S. Ohtar; W. Nazûra)

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