Daeron Dairon Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Daeron Dairon

Minstrel of Doriath

Daeron was a Sindarin Elf who dwelt in Doriath as the loremaster and minstrel of King Thingol during the First Age. He was also a skilled linguist and invented the Cirth alphabet. When Fingolfin, King of the Noldor, held his great feast near the Pools of Ivrin only two came out of Doriath to attend, Daeron and Mablung, sent by King Thingol as messengers. Daeron loved Lúthien, daughter of Thingol and Melian the Maia, but she did not love him. Nevertheless they were good friends, and Lúthien would often dance to his music. After Daeron found out about Lúthien's love for the mortal Beren, he betrayed them both to Thingol. When Lúthien later sought his help in assisting captive Beren, Daeron again betrayed her to Thingol, though this time in love and fear for her rather than jealousy.After Lúthien departed in secret from Doriath, Daeron repented and set out to search for her. He never did find her and never returned to Doriath either, passing over the Ered Luin into the East where he apparently dwelt long after. Daeron is mentioned as one of the greatest minstrels of all the Children of Ilúvatar and now travels with Maglor and Dirhaval musing across arda.

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