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Dwarves, also known as "Children of Aulë", "Masters of Stone", "Stunted People" (Kh. Khazâd, sing. Khuzd; S. Naugrim="Stunted-folk", also Gonnhirrim, Hadhodrim, Nogothrim, Nornhoth; Q. Kasallie, Naukalie, Nornalie; Os. Naugol; Rh. Dverger; Or. Gazat; L. kivi-väki) The Dwarves, or Naugrim, were descendants of the Seven Fathers of the Khazâd, who were created by the Vala Aulë (The Smith) out of stone. Their seven lineages or houses settled in separate areas, but always in or by the mountains. All Dwarves considered mountains sacred. They also worshiped Aulë, whom they called Mahal. Although fashioned by the Vala Aulë before the awakening of Men, this hardy but short race came into Endor after the Secondborn. Long-lived yet mortal, they remained apart from both Elves and Men.   Eru alone had created the Flame Imperishable. In his thought, souls formed and life was born. Out of his Flame, spirits kindled. No life could be conceived without his leave, as Morgoth discovered. While life naturally fascinated the Valar, who were entrusted with cultivating the World, it first arose in Eru's mind and could not come to pass outside his plan. Nonetheless, the Vala Aulë sought to create a living race, and he labored away from Aman, in secret, molding the Seven Fathers of Dwarves in a hall deep beneath the surface of Endor. In those days Aulë endured torment, for the Smith understood that his conception was outside the scheme of the One; but he persevered and made his offspring strong, like the earth from which they came   Dwarves were rather short, stocky, and often had a swarthy or ruddy complexion. Males averaged about 4 to 5 feet in height. The western dwarves were often fair-haired and fair-skinned (especially the Firebeards who were proud of their for the most part fire-red hair) while their eastern brothers were often darker (particularly the Blacklocks). They grew long beards (foremost the aptly named Longbeards) which they often decorated or braided. Resistant to diseases and extremely strong, they lived an average of 150-250 years. Some rare exceptions reached the age of 400.   The Naugrim had superior sight underground and in places of near-total darkness. Their crafts were superb, and they were unsurpassed workers of stone. Like Orcs and Noldor, they were masters of metalwork, although Dwarven works embodied a sense of beauty as well as strength and utility. No race mined as well as Dwarves.   Relatively infertile and slow to marry or reproduce (females constitute less than a third of their kind), Dwarves rarely sired young. But this seemed to be a condition of the later times of decline. In the earliest times, there had been several Dwarven Families who were said to have had children in numbers of eight or seven, otherwise, the dwarven race would not have been able to increase in numbers.   Military The basic dwarven host was called the Vabundhur consisting of arrays or Azashakur of medium-armed Axemen, Spearmen, and Halberdmen, who were supported by light-armed Scouts, Rangers or Herdsmen, and Archers armed with Bows and Axes, and heavily armed Grimhammers wielding Thornhammers, and Pikemen who fought in phalanxes. Special Units were the different Guardian and Warden Units, such as the Dûm-garal, Gehil-vindhur, Tharkarul, and Huval-Vindhur. "Iron-Guards" were armed with light Axes and Dwarven Swords or Crossbows, while "Khazâd-guards" used heavy two-handed Axes. Halberdmen and zealous Shieldbreakers were special units of Hammer-fighters. In combat against underground races such as the Deep-orcs and Cave-trolls the Dwarves developed special "tunnel-fighting" teams or "Vault Wardens", armed with long Spears and high Wall-shields, light and heavy ballistae and various mechanical War-Engines such as Battlewagons, Catapults and "Demolishers". "Command-Units" were led by Captains who were accompanied by Hornists, Shield-bearers and Standard-bearers. King's Champions fought with two Axes and were sided by two Heralds. A few Dwarven tribes also deployed small cavalry units of pony-riders.   Religion The Dwarves revered Eru, the "Allfather" whom they called by a name kept secret among themselves. They revered the Valar as angelic powers, esteeming Mahal, the Maker, highest. The Dwarves also saw their work and art as a dedication to the World itself and its maker. The non-official semi-divinity of the Valar had often been a matter of criticism by devout Dwarves who rejected all sorts of official priests, cults, and clergy. However, there was some degree of occult reverence and sanctuaries, as the famous Khalarazûm existed. Also, famous ancestors were revered in song and art. The Khazâd believed that after their deaths their souls would travel to the Halls of Waiting and would be revived to fight in the Last Battle and help to rebuild the world after it.


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