Esgaltur Lusiril the Seer Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Esgaltur Lusiril the Seer

First Interpreter, Second Interpreter

Officially the court's "Second Interpreter," Esgaltur was actually King Arveleg's Lord of Spies. He oversees the extensive organization known as the Lómërantiri (Q. "Wandering night-watchers"), as well as many independent sources. However after the death of First Seer Malbeth he has assumed both positions until a new Head Seer can be found. Four assassination attempts in the last decade have convinced Esgaltur that he is doing his job well. As he has sardonically noted, "An expensive poison is the most flattering of gifts." Esgaltur was Prince Arvegil and Earnur's tutor for much of their youth, and it is from him that the Princes gained thier ironic sense of humor. Esgaltur has also served as a soldier, ranger, and diplomatic envoy in his checkered career, becoming a linguist and master of spies only after a severe knee injury left him with a permanent limp. Middle-aged and unmarried, he is not sought after he is disliked by most of the staid courtiers. Unable to speak publicly of his primary task, Esgaltur gives his majesty a daily briefing on matters foreign and domestic and. contents himself with knowing that he is more useful to Arthedain then most of the soldiers and ancient seers who look down on him in the palace."The only friend a spy needs," says Esgaltur, "is his King." Since the death of Malbeth most of the royal family speak to Esgaltur on a daily basis. Prince Arvegil trusts him implicitly and is determined to bestow high office on him when the opportunity arises.

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