Folcred Sage-Scholar of Endor Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Folcred Sage-Scholar of Endor

The Scholar

A scholar and healer of Rohan, Folcred has traveled the lands of Eriador for more than a decade now having since left the Westfold behind him for Kingdoms of deeper lore and wisdom. Having joined the Fellowship in its naessance Folcred has acted as the historical, intellectual, and spiritual center of the Fellowship, offering his hands of healing and wisdom in equal measure.
  Folcred’s pursuit of knowledge periled his comrades and fellowship. The weight and burden of his desire for understanding had all but clouded his will, in a moment of clarity and introspective epiphany Folcred cast off the raiment of desire which had entrapped him for so long. In recompense for his self-identified sin Folcred rejected the tempting offer of 6th Seer in Fornost preferring exploration upon the back of his horse to the never ending halls of Formenairë. Thus he traveled south once more back to Rohan for a time to transcribe his journeys, trials, and tribulations of which he and his allies faced. Finding a great love for scribing he continued to explore and catalog new lands. Decades later beginning around his death in T.A. 1473 his near endless notes, books, and volumes would be compiled into numerous collections the most famous of which were his published travel log The Sage Scholars Expedition: A Walking Holiday in Many Parts transcribed into periodicals enjoyed across all of Endor, and his Comprehensive Atlas of Arda including his accumulated knowledged in all subjects as focused around Middle-Earth her geography, metaphysics, and most inner-workings. Far into the annals of Arda he would be cited by Thane Peregrin Took in the Red Book of Westmarch.
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