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House Calantir

The principality of Dol Calantir (Dol Caladir) has always been the richest agricultural realm in Cardolan, for it contains most all of the Gwathló basin in Minhiriath. The Princes have ruled from the magnificent Argond (S. "Lordly Stone") a tower twenty miles to the southwest of Tharbad. House Calantir is notorious for an arrogance more appropriate to the Dúnedain of Umbar. The wealthiest of the Cardolandren principalities, Dol Caladir (S."Hill of the light-Watcher"; Q."Ambon Calatirmo") was founded in the 27th century of the Second Age—in the aftermath of the second round of Eriadoran Wars. It comprised much of the best land of the Gwathló basin downstream from Tharbad. The Dúnadan family that founded the principality originally dwelt in an old hilltop fortress near Balost, over a hundred miles from Tharbad. In the early days of the kingdom of Arnor, they moved closer to the city to be near their business interests—their absence giving the peasants yet another grievance. Peasant resentment of their lord's distance became a rallying cry when Caladirrim mismanagement led the oppressed towards yet another riot or revolt. The later family keep, the Argond, was a half-day's ride from Tharbad.


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