Karsh Veiled Scourge of Tyrn Gorthad Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Karsh Veiled Scourge of Tyrn Gorthad

Once Carthean Tarma of the Seven Stars, Captain of the Barrow Guard of Tyrn Gorthad. Now a pale shade, bent on the destruction of those whose images torment what may have been. Ever does he wail and scream cries of vile melancholy upon the battlefield as he inflicts malevolent carnage upon the unsuspecting denizens of Arnor. He is bent upon the death of the Five Crown Princes and the freeing of the wights of the Barrow Downs which have yet been kept at bay by the Fellowship. His only remaining "friends" are his ghoulish counterparts resurrected beneath him and his dark necrotic masters in the temples of Carn Dum beholden only to the will of Morgoth, Sauron, and The Witch-King.
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