Laiquendi Ethnicity in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Laiquendi (S. "Laegrim" or "Laegeldhrim"), meaning "Green-elves", was a name used by the Sindar of Beleriand for the inhabitants of Ossiriand and Lindon. This term was translated by the Noldor to Quenya Laiquendi. After the end of the First Age, their fate is not clearly known. Much of their land survived the destruction of Beleriand, and as Lindon came under the rule of Gil-galad. In the early Second Age, some at least seem to have removed to Eriador, and dwelt on the shores of Lake Nenuial. Others went east to live among the Silvan Elves. After this, nothing is known of their fate.
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