Nefstan of Esgaroth, Shield of Arnor, Lord of Oiomíril Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Nefstan of Esgaroth, Shield of Arnor, Lord of Oiomíril

The Wary

Nefstan once used to fish and trade in Laketown, bolstering his income with the amusement of tall tales, and the administration of herbs and medicines accompanied by the appropriate flourishes of folksy lore. After one sale or another though an older fisherman by the name of Joalf, or was it Jofur? couldn't quite pay, and so mixed in with the coin was a little coin shaped stone no bigger than a pigeon egg. It was some time before the thing rang out it's soft wail, warning Nefstan to the creature that had come by. From that point on, Nefstan traveled further and spared more frequently until his time on the lake that was home to him was less a part of his life than the new roads ahead of him. As the war encroaches, rumor only troubles. Real answers are needed, thus he wishes to inquire the wise on the frail undead we fought and what cause might be behind them. Do they grow in strength? Is there recourse to take against them? Nefstan recieved the blade Aranrúth descendent from Numenor from King Argeleb before his passing as a token of the Fellowships service to the Kingdom. He spends his spare time fishing and boating on the Lake Evendim, as well as the Brandywine River looking to hear and spread rumor, perhaps preparing the more hesitant free people for what comes or securing a friendly hearth to dry off around.
  His ailing health worsened by the ongoing pestilence and exertion during the siege King Arveleg I made his peace with the lands of the west in 1421 T.A. Thus First Prince First Crown Prince Arvegil the Soft-Spoken ascended to the throne of Arnor, the ensuing land reforms and reorganization of fiefdoms distributed land more equitably and upon meritocratic terms. Nefstan upon the death of Lord Raimáro Oiomíril was bequeathed Lordship of the Oiomíril fief:
  One of the largest fiefs in Arthedain; it encompasses the Weather Hills, the Midgewater Marshes, the village of Occum on the Men-Formen, and the Nan-Turnath lying between the hills and the North Road. The citadel of Minas Galanna stands only fifty miles southeast of Fornost Erain, along the road to Amon Sûl. The fief also includes three smaller towers located along the ridge of hills, one every twenty miles: Barad Thoron, Barad Emer, and Barad Narn. They are connected by a military road that runs along the eastern slopes of the Emyn Sûl. It lies atop a series of dikes and terraces, the Rammas Sûl, intended to deter raiders from En Eredoriath to the east.
  In part due to his diplomatic mission and growing relationship with the mercantile Lord Tarmas trade has blossomed between Arnor and Esgaroth, particularly through the Cardolani' Guild City of Tharbad traveling up the Royal-Road to Fornost and out to all the peoples of Eriador. For this great service he was offered the hand of numerous ladies of the court, however, Eleswen The Soft-Hearted daughter of the late Lord Raimáro struck his heart with her warmth and idiosyncratic dialogues before he could reach the Arthedain matchmakers. He spent his remaining years residing at Barad Thoron, visiting the nearby Nengaran Bog for moments of solitude, speaking at length of his adventures with Lady Eleswen, and warding off the undead spirits which infrequently riddled the neighboring lands of Cardolan to the South.
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