Nelladel Witch-Bane, Duchess of Oiomíril Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Nelladel Witch-Bane, Duchess of Oiomíril


Raised in the usual way for a Ranger, but with slightly more expensive tastes than most, Nelladel has spent her adulthood picking through remains in battlefields. She generally kept to the principle of protecting travelers, always triple-checking that the bodies she looted were fully dead and helping whatever survivors she came across. She doesn't consider herself a thief so much as an opportunist, whose exploits have allowed her to wander as she wishes without needing to find employers, to do so harmlessly, and to live a bit more comfortably than most of her people. After years of this, however, the desolation she saw every time she went looking for coin had started to get to her, and she began seeking out ways to change things. She is curious with a natural interest in things she hasn't experienced before which she wants to understand. Through her trading she has met many different types of people in her journeys gaining considerable skill in diplomacy and negotiation.
  Believing all are equal on the road and that we must rely on each other’s common decency to survive Nelladel “Nell” has flourished as a Ranger and Comrade in the Fellowship of Renewal. With the death of Fourth Prince Cathändril, the only significant loss to the Arthedain royal bloodline during the siege, Nelladel was offered his position as First Ranger. The positions duties were many including bringing news from court, orders across the leagues of Arnor, and mustering troops across Arnor at all times of the year as the Chief Commander of the Ranger Corps. Nell in vehement respect rejected this offer as far too above her station, though truly it was far too much work for seemingly little renown and time to enjoy the leisures of ennobled life. She instead made a request of Third Prince Acthelior Ecthelien to take command of the Beautiful Fortress of Minas-Galanna at the northern end of the Emyn Sûl. The citadel stands only fifty miles southeast of Fornost Erain, along the road to Amon Sûl. With this command she will thus ascend to the rank of Duchess in the House of Oiomíril and live out her days defending the Weather Hills from her keep upon the green hills and onyx rocky glens of Arthedain.
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