Ranger of Arnor Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Ranger of Arnor

Feryth Formen

The Gol Toronath Forferyth or the Rangers of the North (or "Grey-hillers" in Sindarin and Enedhwaith) were an armed company, skilled to fight in the wilds, among the Dúnedain of the North. Rangers of the North operate trough roving patrols which watch over the frontier lands and the northern countryside, as far south as the Eregion, prioritising the less-inhabited areas. As of the late 13th century, the numbers are higher than ever before more than 11,000 patrolling in bands of 30-50 each assigned differeing regions. The Rangers are lead by First Ranger Fourth Prince Cathändril. The nearly uninhabited or frontier areas of Arnor are grouped into Wards, each of them is provided of at least an hidden keep, its small garrison and led by a Warden. Wardens rank as Knights currently theere are eight Wards in the North: Eregion (Hunumidor of Cimlong), Amon Sul (Bodorlin of Daudil), Imladris (Felbor of Galrin), East Rhudaur (Saulendor of Dúdormir), West Rhudaur (Galman of Gillaith), Hitgaelir (Hulor of Jerlan) and North Downs (Betlor of Cascilhant). The eighth Ward runs between the Lhun and the Ered Luin and is patrolled by Cathändril and his troop. Rangers of the North are grim in appearance and are usually dressed in grey or dark green, with a cloak-clasp shaped like a 6-pointed star.

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