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Royal Library

A vast expanse of marble, quarried stone, and worked metal, the physical structure of the Royal Library rivals the value of the knowledge stored within. The grandeur of its towers, the buttresses, and the extensive halls whose precious floors contain a collection of tomes, scrolls, books, archives, and artifacts which rivals those of the Noldo of Eregion.
  A massive staircase of white marble winds down into a circular chamber constructed from the same material. Archways from both entry stair chambers provide access to this magnificent vault. Black marble clothes the columns, walls, and dome of this underground space. Mithril gilds the cornices and the capitals of the columns and traces the outline of fantastic beasts in the shadows of the dome. A great fountain displays a bare youth frozen in the triumph and victory, at his marble feet, the banners of Arthedains enemies lay furrowed and sokaed. Four great halls of silver-veined white marble flow away from the central dome. Ornate pilasters, elaborate pointed arches, and graceful statuary adorn their echoing lengths. In the West Garden Blue marble pilasters stretch up to support a sculptured frieze of the same material. Springing from the upraised arms of the dancers portrayed, an arching skylight of glass allows the filtered rays of sun or moon to illuminate the alabaster walls. Rainwater, captured by a marble basin, gilds the stone limbs of two nymphs cavorting in the memory of fountain spray. Prolific greenery has overflowed its stone urns to flood the courtyard.
  The Blue Vault. Three massive stone doors guard the way into this chamber. Carved in bas relief upon them is a map of Númenor. Small reading rooms, furnished comfortably with expensive tables and chairs open off of the north and south walls. Thousands of tomes resided in this vault.
  The Rose Vault. Three heavy stone doors guard the threshold of this chamber. A carved jungle of foliage adorns their surfaces. They are not trapped, but the correct sequence of inanimate leaves and petals must be identified and touched to unlock them (DC 25). Within, pale wine porphyry fountains from the polished floor in pilasters and buttresses to tint the high, corbelled arches of the ceiling. Herblore, detailing the cultivation, harvest, and medicinal use of these magical plants, reposes within the tomes housed in this vault and the adjacent reading rooms.
  The Oak Libraries. A pair of chambers paneled entirely in oak. Each is secured by coffered oak doors, double locked against invaders. The books in the first room explores the evolutionary development of the beasts and monsters of Middle-earth. Their various physical and magical characteristics and abilities are also enlarged upon. The second concerns ecological and environmental aspects of animal life.
  The Oval Room. Double oak doors sparkle with sapphires inset to form a rune. Within the room, pale cream stone undulates in frozen waves around the walls and skims the curved ceiling. The lore of Seers dwells in the books here: histories of famous people, who invented or extended the spell lists; detailed instructions concerning specific spells; and a rune book, containing runes for each spell found on the Seer base lists. Opposite the double oak doors stands another set providing entry to the Gallery of Mirrors
  The Indigo Dome. A crystalline dome, deep blue in tint, rests upon worked mithril walls. The northern doors are faced in mithril, and locked,
  Chamber of Mystery. An amethystine rune, adorns the doors onto the North Hall. Purple stone inlaid with white wood ornaments all surfaces. The chamber's books contain the lore, spells, and runes of Mystics, Atronomers, and Alchemists of Arthedain.
  The Red Room. Two swords are carved in the lintel over the stone doors. Tapestries portraying sheets of flame hang from the walls. The books, bound in gold-plated iron, preserve weapon lore on their brilliantly illuminated pages.
  The White Room. White marble statuary occupies the shallow niches placed around the ivory chamber. Porcelain bookshelves hold tomes of mason lore. Many types of stone are listed, and the methods employed to work it are exhaustively described. The double doors onto the West Hall are carved of marble, portraying a procession in brass relief on their surfaces
  The Crystal Chamber. White marble veined by traceries of gemstones lines the interior of the room. Books, bound in pearl-studded covers, record the intricacies of gem lore.
  Chamber of the Sun. A crystal globe, golden and scintillating, set into the ceiling with topaz rays reaching for the corners gives the room its name. Illustrated books explain the nature of earth lore
  The Ice Chamber. Hewn of bluish-white translucent stone, the documents stored here are bound within the same substance. Catalogued on unadorned pages are the locations and characteristics of every star observed during the past millennium. The double doors on the south wall lead into the Galleries of the West and those on the east wall lead into the Star Dome.
  The Star Dome. All surfaces are faced in blue-black stone. The dome is encrusted with thousands of large, clear gems. A fraction, whose identity varies over time, glow to represent the star configurations in the sky, moment by moment.
  The Silver Room. A mirrored dome distorts all below in its concave surface. Black wood, engraved with silver, supports racks of geographical maps of all Middle-earth. Black wood doors connect the room to the South Hall


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