Sindar Ethnicity in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Sindar (meaning "Grey People") or Grey Elves were Elves of Telerin descent who inhabited Beleriand. They were united under the King of Doriath Elu Thingol, and later his grandson Dior Eluchíl.   They belonged to the Teleri who did accept the invitation and set out on the Great Journey and were Eldar, although Moriquendi, never having actually set foot in Valinor, with the Calaquendi. However they still became the fairest and most wise and skillful of the elves of Middle-earth under the rule of Thingol and Melian in Doriath, and they are therefore sometimes referred to as "Elves of the Twilight". In the early Second Age, after the War of Wrath, many of the Eldar who had no desire to leave Middle-earth retreated to Lindon. The Sindar mainly concentrated mostly to Harlindon, under the leadership of Celeborn. Some of them who had no desire to be merged with the other Sindar dominated by the Noldor, left Lindon. Some Sindar (along with Noldor and Green-elves) followed Celeborn and Galadriel to Eriador and for some time dwelt in the lands around Nenuial.   Other came to the forest realm east of Misty Mountains. They became the rulers of the Silvan Elves living there and established the Wooldland Realms of Greenwood the Great (S "Eryn Galen") and Lórinand (or Laurelindórenan). The Silvan Elves shared common heritage with the Sindar as both the Silvan Elves (originally known as the Nandor) and the Sindar were of the Teleri clan. Sindar soon merged with the Silvan Elves and embraced and adopted their culture, wishing to experience a more "rustic" and "natural" way of life as was the case after their awakening in Cuiviénen.
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