The Kingdom of Gysahl Organization in Midgar | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Gysahl

The Island Kingdom of Gysahl is known for its warships, lumber, and rare mineral veins, including but not limited to adamantine, calcite, jade, and iron. Gysahl is the capital city of this Kingdom, within the Kingdom are the cities Kiba, Roku, Dollet, Ishito, Volstrah, and of course Gysahl itself. With great access to the seas, trade with both continental and intercontinental trade is made easy and convenient. The kingdom of Gysahl is fruitful and well-kept, with an abundance of natural resources, there are many towns and cities built and developed on this island's coastlines, as they all primarily focus on ship building, naval exploration and trade. Leaving little to no need for larger settlements further in land.
Controlled Territories