Zobeck Se01Ep01

General Summary

From the diary of the late Mistress Arashi - dated Highsummer 96
Some cities are built on stone, some on clay, and some, (thankfully few) are built on bones.
The city of Zobeck is built on a foundation of stories, more than any human or ‘horned could ever count. That’s why I decided to make my home there.
It was on a bright Moonday morn (I think) that one such story began. I awoke in the drunk tank, as is usual for a Moonday. I was in the company of a motley sort, which was also normal, but then we were approached by a well-to-do Noble, which wasn’t. She’d lost a family heirloom, poor dear, and wanted us to get it back for her. In exchange, we’d receive our freedom.
We pressed my dear friend Rasgar, such a sweet boy, for any information he could remember, but sadly that’s never been his strong suit. I reminded him to drop my laundry off at my apartment.
Luckily, his superior officer, captain Renai, had a lot more to say. She informed us of a string of robberies at some of my favorite Sweeteries (sweet eateries) and that they might be connected to the theft of the noble’s ring. We confirmed the identity of the thief to be a ratfolk with a sweet tooth by the name of Matimer.
We baited Matimer out of hiding with a fresh pie in the window of his favorite sweetery, and sprung into action when he stuck his nose in it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Matimer, but Marcy, the sister of one of our partners. Gummy, our loyal ratfolk, asked her sister why she’d fallen in with such a bad crowd, and we got a lead to the infamous thief’s hideout. We descended into the sewers, and I lamented that Great Minos had seen fit to give me rheumatism and arthritis but had left me my sense of smell.
It wasn’t long before we encountered the blaggard, whipping a common giant rat. He took sight of us and fled, but not before his infernal magic did its dark work. The rat quivered, and then multiplied right before our eyes.
We steeled our selves for a lengthy combat, and hoped we’d make it out alive.


Leo's perspective: So, we've got a rat problem. It's gotten to the point that at least one rat will be alive after each round of combat, leaving us with an ever-increasing amount of foes to deal with. Leo's... naïve, among other things, but he's certainly not stupid. He doesn't think pushing forward is the best option in this situation. We don't know what's ahead of us, and what if the rats we're currently facing chase us? That would mean we'd be fighting on two fronts and awaiting our inevitable demise. Leo thinks we should turn back into the city for now, avoiding the people we've currently agreed to help at all costs, and ask around to see if anyone else could use our unique brand of assistance. Perhaps seek out something a little more... straightforward? He's not suggesting that we abandon this mission outright, but perhaps we should come back to it once we are certain we have weapons/spells that can take out groups of rats at once. Thoughts? Counter arguments? Let's get some discussion going!
Tom Wieglenda
Well, I can't imagine that these rats will be able to continue their rampant replication. However, with like 8 hit points, I'm all for dashing out of here and trying a different angle. Maybe we can learn something more from the his girlfriend... Perhaps we can go try a different mission or find another means into the underground the following day? With the long rest changes, taking hits is at a premium.
Alex Gentile
Tom Wieglenda I'm totally cool with trying to find another way down. Maybe get the girlfriend to help navigate the underground? To me, she didn't sound like she knew much about what her boyfriend was up to, but perhaps she just needs some convincing if we want her to talk. Jeff Diaz
we need to back off and regroup I like the idea of asking the girlfriend if she had any info in our bounty.
Lucielle Marie Belle
I am all for leaving, if these things do continue to multiply, we all die in the sewer. If there is another way down, that would be the way in.
    Christopher Merrill I say we feed them. Toss any food at them and follow the thief. I still think that beating on them is how/why they replicate (that's what he did to get the whole party started). Maybe they are starved and abused and would prefer a quick easy meal instead of fighting. · Reply · 2y Alex Gentile Author Rodger Devito You sure that's a good idea, dude...? Some of us have already taken damage, and I, for one, don't want to limit our escape options with the new healing rule(s). We also don't exactly know how expansive this underground area is and/or who/what may lie ahead.
Highsummer 1, 92
Report Date
20 Apr 2018


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