Zobeck Se01Ep03

General Summary

From the diary of the late Mistress Arashi, dated Highsummer 96
  There’s nothing this Zobecker likes more than a Highsummer brunch, unless it’s a brunch where she gets a job with the prospect of gold and adventure.
We met with Lady Marack, that nice human who’d sprung us from the slammer (in a somewhat suspect manner) for tiny pancakes and big glasses of mimosa. She informed us that the Margrave forest was set to be colonized, but the Griffin Towers where the workers would be staying had fallen. She tasked us to investigate what had happened to them, and clear out whatever done did it.
As we traveled, Atticus grew antsier and antsier! I think it had something to do with that knack he’s got for talking to animals. The little beasties, even things as small and tasty as rabbits lost all sense and would attack us on sight. Luckily our horses didn’t seem to be affected.
As we headed deeper into the woods, Atticus was able to glean that the forest creatures were being driven berserk from periodic singing that only they could hear. These woods being infamous for all sorts of Fey nastiness, this seemed par for the course, but we kept our wits about us all the same.
(There is a woodcut of a tortle fending off a rabbit with a staff. The rabbit is airborne and its jaws are open wide in a menacing maw)
We eventually arrived at the isolated town of Lavoca, home to the temple of some yokel gods- Porvit and Yarilla, and presided over by an old blind man by the name of Brother Arkady. They’d had their share of troubles here too. Apart from the missing griffin towers, they’d also lost a girl to the forest by the name of Karda. Missing, and presumed dead. This being fey territory, I suspected she may have been bewitched and wandered off. But more on that later.
The more clear and present issue they were having was with an ornery bull that had belonged to a man named Olé, now deceased. His son Drash allowed us to see the bull, and Atticus to talk to it. Thankfully he hadn’t noticed that Gummy and I had already tried to investigate his home.
(There is a pastoral drawing of Arashi the Minotaur boosting Gummy the ratfolk up to the window of a thatch hut. A little girl and her mother peer at the suspect pair from around the corner with annoyed expressions on their faces.)
After a short teaparty, our suspicions were confirmed. The bull had heard singing from the woods, and been whipped into a frenzy that killed his former master.
We didn’t have long to piece together this mystery though, because out of the woods came a horde of wolves! Bloodthirsty as they were, we still managed to fend them off with a few righteous smacks. Although the panicked villagers didn’t make it easy, firing arrows every which way. Atticus once again came to the fore and bewitched a wolf with his own Druidic magicks. This third witness confirmed hearing the singing from the woods, and the wolf knew where it was coming from.
We saddled up to lance this singing boil, while Xanza thought ahead and collected what hides he could from the fallen wolves. Fur is very IN this season, and there’s always someone who will buy a soft blanket or warm coat. (There is a drawing of a hairy man bedecked with furs upon furs, looking triumphant.)


What's up everyone? My apologies for posting this so late due to being out of town for the last week, but this is the "What are we doing?" thread for our upcoming game. As always, let's keep everything regarding our future plans in this thread. If I remember correctly, we were just attacked by possessed wolves and are about to head out to hopefully find a missing resident of the town we're currently in. I think we're all just about ready to go, but I think Rich mentioned there's a store in town. I'm not sure any of us want/need anything, and I'm pretty sure the store won't have anything great, but here's an opportunity for us to get some XP before heading out. Any takers? Would anyone like to do anything else before we take off? Any and all suggestions are welcome!
Richard Fraser
There is no really place to sell in the town. You followed the friended wolf to the creek and found nothing, came back and slept (spend hit dice and gain up to half back). We start the next day in the morning, I can answer some questions here if you like to get into it faster friday.
Alex Gentile
Thanks Richard Merrill Fraser. I didn't have my notes in front of me, so I just went off of what I thought I remembered. Guess I remembered incorrectly! Oh well... 
Rodger Devito
With what Rich has imparted to us, I think we should head directly to the former location of the Griffin Towers
Alex Gentile
Rodger Devito I'm cool with that. Anyone else suggest otherwise?
Lucielle Marie Belle
Gummy still wants to scout out the village another day and night to see if anything important happens. But shes not vocal enough to say anything to anyone else about it. She'd follow along with everyone going to these towers.
Richard Fraser
Lucielle Marie Belle you can express you ideas in and out of character. no need to leave a stone unturned just because your character wouldn't think of it.we are, after all, playing a game.
Lucielle Marie Belle
I'm just voicing her thoughts. I like giving insight of what my characters think sometimes ^^
I'm curious of course but I also would like to search out the Griffin towers more
Alex Gentile
Lucielle Marie Belle We can discuss it as we're setting up for the game! See you soon!
Highsummer 2, 92 FY
Report Date
18 May 2018


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