Zobeck Se01Ep06

General Summary

Molly is given a piece of paper by Hanen at the party. She says, " I know what you do for work, I know someone in need who asked me to pass this along to anyone i could."
"Need a hero to avenge husband. Can pay well. Hanen will arrange a meet."
The races are in town, diary! Much as they were many years ago on a fateful Highsummer Khorsday. There’s nothing this old minotaur loves more than a big floppy hat, a bag of popcorn and a cold beer as her favorite racers thunder by on the track. There’s also nothing this old minotaur hates more than being in a stuffy classroom on such a day. But there I was, stuck in a room that reminded me more and more of those pompous galleries I used to frequent (with no appreciation for how the limits on art were meant to be broken) with each passing minute.
At Leo’s behest, we had paid a visit to his old professor at his former university. She’d been having trouble with an experimental ritual mixing the fundamental particles of light and dark. Apparently, it had been interrupted by creatures from the Shadowfell midway through.
We floated a number of ideas as to the Why, but in the end decided to do what we did best, which was bring the baddies to us come what may, and then hit them really hard. We secreted Professor Ava in a large box, suspended from the ceiling by thick chains and pitons, so that she could complete her work unmolested.
Once the ritual was underway, we didn’t have to wait long. A tear in space opened up in the center of the room like the air was fabric, and out poured hundreds of those awful black bees we’d encountered in the haunted forest where the Hollow Man dwelt. Having drawn my own conclusions about the source of our dear Professor’s troubles, I shielded my beautiful face and leapt through the portal…
...into a cold world, devoid of life and light. A world like ours, but upside down. Devoid of life, mind you, but not uninhabited. I spotted a fleeing figure darting into the mist. More importantly, I was surrounded by Wretched little fiends, more mouth than body. We had a long fight ahead of us. We were besieged on both sides of the portal by almost thirty foes when all was said and done. The Wretched bolstered their numbers with Wolves made of black fog as well as a Shadowfey warrior armed with wicked daggers. As our nerves wore thin and our resources dwindled, our foe showed her face. A Shadowfey enchantress with a command of magic equal to that of our own, even with the recent addition of a professional healer from the local temple for the purpose of this mission. I felt just how strong she was personally when her magic knocked me off my feet and into unconsciousness. Luckily that healer I mentioned earlier was on the scene and I was able to stand and fight for a bit longer. Behind me, my fellows were retreating through the portal, attempting to make a last stand of things, but I wouldn't have it. I gave chase to the cowardly enchantress. I hounded her into the depths of the shadowfell, even as her wolves closed in behind me.
My blind rage paid off, and she revealed herself to try and finish me off with another spell, but my demand for satisfaction was first in line. I couldn't even wait to get my hands on her, and tossed a handaxe straight and true, cleaving her mocking smirk from her neck. With the shadowy forces dispersed, we hightailed it back though the portal before it could close and took an accounting of the day’s events.
We’d collected two heads, and planned to use Molly’s Disguise spell to interrogate them with the help of a temple’s Speak with Dead service. We’d also come by a number of shadowy wolf pelts and Wretched teeth, as well as ten ancient copper coins that might be worth something quite substantial to the proper buyer. With Professor Ava properly decanted, she expressed her gratitude and implied that she might be open to doing further business of a magical nature, perhaps even supplying us with items of interest more potent than the average club or cleaver.
Well diary, that’s it for today. Princess Moon Shadow is pulling our sedan chair downtown for a bit of a nosh and a hobknob. We’re off to the races!
 Mistress Arashi is writing her memoirs many years after these adventures took place. She looks at most of the events through rose colored glasses.


Sup everyone? This is the "what are we doing" thread for our upcoming game this Friday. Anyone have suggestions for what mission to take next? Is there anything else anyone wants to do? Discuss!
William Flowers
Seeing the updated job list and noticing the major gold spike for those two new jobs is super nice to see. Sad to see the racing job gone. We should probably had someone go check that out before we left last session. Also next session most likely Molly will be occupied with the mother daughter aristrocrat get together. If there is any sort of gossip you want Molly to chat about, would be best to bring up before the game. With that, Zanxa will be coming back into the fray to punch who needs punching and intimidate the rest.
Also, my vote for the next job is to do the escort mission. It will obviously NOT be an easy job, but I like the prospect of an easy job, and with the Tireless spell it sure puts the chances of getting a bonus for doing a good job way up there and possibly lessen travel time.
Lucielle Marie Belle
I would like to chip in that a check on that vigilante notice is also a peaked interest of mine. They call for a single person (we know it won't just be one).
The other gives us another chance at travel as well and meet people outside of Zobeck.
Outside of those things, we should revisit Matimer and see if he has any gossip on things.
Highsummer 22, FY92
Report Date
13 Jul 2018


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