Session 49

General Summary

The date is Thursday, 28th September

The time is 9:00 AM   As well as the trail of some dwarfs, we noticed the remains of some ruins, probably Gothi. They looked similar to the ruins of Gothiscanzar to the south east of Skol.   We followed the trail to to the north east, heading down into the plains. The snow didn't settle here as the geothermals meant things were too warm here. It was extraordinarily pleasant.  
Herds of large herbivores graze their way slowly across the fertile plains, feeding on the tall grasses and gorse bushes. Mingled amongst the musk ox are a few woolly rhinos and the odd mammoth. Geese call as they fly overhead. This valley is a hunter’s paradise.

The date is Friday, 29th September

The time is 11:00 AM  
Suddenly a mammoth trumpets in panic as a pack of sabretooth spring an ambush and beasts flee in all directions. The mayhem appears to be heading in your direction; the observant among you spot an unsusual but majestic looking white reindeer amongst the herd.
  Musk Oxen, a woolly rhino and a strange white reindeer with a single horn were among the animals. They fled to us for protection and we immediately ran in to fight the tigers who were chasing them. Battle was joined!   Very quickly most of the sabre-tooth tigers had been killed and the last of them fled. Then the white creature spoke to us!   It was a unicorn and went by the name Swift Shadow. He told us he was the guardian of the valley and asked us what we were doing in the valley. It seems the giants had captured his partner Buttercup, the female Unicorn. We offered to help try and rescue her.  

The date is Saturday, 30th September

The time is 11:00 AM  
An impressive stout grey stone wall stands out on the plain, towers seemingly placed randomly along its length. It appears old and despite a few tatty banners that flap in the breeze above the towers, seems well mantained. A small stream babbles out beneath a large iron bound gate constructed from mammoth tusks and bones and a well-worn path runs beside the stream. One leaf of the gate appears open but on getting closer it can be seen lying on the ground within. There are no signs of guards at the gates or on the towers.
  We did the usual thing and ran into the breach. Battle began and the giants, winter wolves and polar bears rushed into us. The giant leader, Glasgrim, moved in.   The giant strides forwards, applying silvery oil to the blade of his greataxe, transforming its notched edge to razor sharpness.   Tinnan threw his javelin of lightning, Fyren and Idris threw their fireballs and Sellis caused the very earth to erupt. The giants and their pets came on relentlessly.   Most of the giants were dead, including their leader, when a bunch of ogres poured out of the buildings. Chi was lying unconscious, having been chopped down by Glasgrim.   Idris healed Chi and the group mopped up the ogres in short time. Buttercup was rescued from the cage she was in and was reunited with her mate Swift Shadow. The cage was locked, however, but Chi jimmied the lock open with some tools.   We found a sheet of ice which seemed to be a messaging system of some sort. There was a message in it which was:  
The preparations have been made for summoning Fafnir but in order to transfer her power we need the fresh horn of a unicorn to embue our magic. Use the cage the coven has given you to trap the beast. Transport the beast to Ice Grotto. Balinburg will fall.
  Chi has the feeling he's heard the name Fafnir before and that it is a dragon. Sellis conjectured that the horn of the Unicorn could well be what the frost giants were searching for. The Unicorns healed us of all our injuries.  
As you have proved yourselves to be true friends and valiant people we will, if you wish, reveal to you the location of a hallowed Gothi monument. It is within our realm and subject to our protection. You would be the first in centuries to visit the forgotten hall of your fathers. Other than its location, we know little about it as we have never ventured within.
  It would take us a couple of days out of our way to the east. Balinburg is pretty much west.

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26 Apr 2023
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