The Gods of Midgard

Yggdrasil is the tree of life that contains all the planes of existence. Midgard is the prime material plane and the name of the world. Asgard is the plane where the gods reside.  


  • Odin “All Father” – supreme leader of the gods – god of wisdom
  • Aegir - god of storms and the sea
  • Balder – god of beauty and charisma
  • Bragi – god of poetry, eloquence and song
  • Forseti – god of justice
  • Frey – god of sunshine and the elves
  • Freya – goddess of love and fertility
  • Frigga “wife of Odin” – goddess of the air and birds
  • Heimdall – guardian of the bifrost bridge
  • Hel – goddess of death
  • Idun – goddess of spring and eternal youth
  • Loki – god of mischief, strife and fire
  • Magni – god of strength
  • Modi – god of courage and berserk rage
  • Sif - goddess of excellence and skill in battle
  • Surtur – lord of the fire giants
  • Thor – god of thunder
  • Thrym – lord of the frost giants and beer
  • Tyr – god of war and law
  • Uller – god of hunting, archery, wilderness and winter
  • Vidar – god of strength and silence