Holda Character in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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The mother goddess of the elves rules the seasons, the hearth, and the harvest. All the world was hers, and her children, Yarila and Porevit, kept watch over the world’s animals and growing things. As a goddess of home and seasons, her followers created elven cloth and cloaks; this tradition faded with the change to a human and elfmarked priesthood, but her followers still expertly weave astonishingly colorful, silky garments, often shot through with threads of gold and mithral. Wind, wave, and thunder are hers to command, as are light and dark. Holda’s demeanor is always gentle, but her standards for craft, creation, and children are all very high. Her followers find great sin in sloth and idleness.  


Holda’s worshippers are quiet but powerful, embodying the opposite of Baccholon’s revelries and Valeresh’s boasts and honor. They tend to be older men and women in positions of quiet power: guild leaders, mayors, large landholders, ley line wielders, and scholars of steady temperament. While they rarely make a fuss, when they do, the words of followers of Holda are always accorded great weight.


Symbols and Books

The only sacred book of Holda’s faith is the Book of Seasons, which some believe exists in many versions. Certainly no two of them are exactly alike, and many trace out ley lines and describe elements of everyday life and elements of great magical power, ley wells and roads sometimes long turned to dust.

Goddess of Hearth and Seasons, Queen of the Arbonesse, Mother of Yarila and Porevit, Keeper of Summer and Winter, Goddess of Reaping and Spinning, Keeper of the True Springs, Harvest Goddess

Other Affiliations
Divine Domains:
Life, Light, Tempest
Community, Luck, Protection, Repose, Sun, Weather
Ancestors, Day, Defense, Family, Fate, Seasons
Neutral Good
Favored Weapon:

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