Zobeck Settlement in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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The Free City Council, consisting of the Free Mayor and 11 other consuls, rules Zobeck. The consuls choose the mayor from among their peers to serve a 10-year term, though some have held the position for life. Consuls serve 5-year terms.


The Free Mayor appoints the judges, establishes and provisions the army, appoints all knight-commanders of the Citadel, and commands the Free City’s militant orders. The paladins of the Order of the Undying Sun are not commanded by the Free Mayor. This order predates the city’s independence, and this chapter of the organization serves only if their commander does not receive orders from "noble blood.” In general, the Order of the Undying Sun acts as an independent military force.

Industry & Trade

Zobeck is a hub of trade through Midgard. The Great Northern road from the Greater Duchy of Morgau allows trade from many Northern areas. A frequented road leads north into the Grand Duchy of Dornig. The western road may be traveled as far west at Verrayne, or taken south to the the capital Capleon. The southern road, the Sultan's Road, leads into Marea & The Islands capital Tyrku. Finally, even the Southlands goods travel through Zobeck by the way of the River Argent through the Ruby sea.


There are six districts in the trade city of Zobeck: Upper Zobeck, Lower Zobeck (Ashmill), Collegium district, Kobold ghetto, Citadel district, and Dock district.

  Refer to the Kobold Press map at https://midgardmap.koboldpress.com/zobeck/. Also refer to the district details at https://koboldpress.com/welcome-to-midgard-zobecks-districts/.

Guilds and Factions

There are a half dozen or so trading houses in Zobeck. Each house specializes in routes and goods. Some examples are:  
  • A company which specializes in arcane and divine magic items.
  • A company which has connections to the shadow fey and moves goods to and from the shadow realm.
  • A company which moves large amounts of metals for weapons, armor, and gearforged.
  • A company with a wide array of sundry, from clothing to food.
  • A company which specializes in alchemical materials, and fine crafting goods such as paper, inks, threads, etc.
  • A company which specializes in exotic hides, weaponry, and other equipment from the far reaches of the Northlands to the Southlands.


The city of Zobeck is surrounded by two rivers. Beyond the river to the north and east is the Margreve forest. Beyond the river to the south is the Smolten Hills. To the west, citizens see the Ironcrag mountains rise high.
16,000 (12,000 humans; 850 dwarves; 2,800 kobolds; 200 gearforged; 150 other)

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Cover image: by Unknown


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