Ætternir (AYT-ter-neer)

A legendary metal known for its resistance to decay and time. Often used in forging durable artifacts, weapons, and armor, Ætternir is highly prized for its enduring qualities.


Material Characteristics

Ætternir, in its raw ore form, resembles a collection of large, jagged chunks of frosted blue metal flecked with silver veins. The ore's surface has a crystalline quality, catching and reflecting light in a way that gives it a subtle, shimmering glow. When held, it feels cool to the touch, with a smooth yet slightly uneven texture. The metal's color is reminiscent of ice and snow, presenting a striking contrast against the rugged, dark rock from which it is extracted.

Geology & Geography

Ætternir is mined primarily from the Kaldahall Heights, a rugged tundra mountain range in the northern reaches. The mining process is arduous and requires specialized equipment and techniques due to the metal's unique properties and high melting point. Miners must first locate veins of Ætternir ore within the icy, rocky terrain, often braving extreme weather conditions. Once a vein is found, the ore is carefully extracted using a combination of manual labor and advanced machinery designed to withstand the harsh environment. The raw ore is then transported to processing facilities, where it undergoes intense heat treatment in specially designed furnaces to separate the pure metal from impurities. This complex and labor-intensive process ensures that only the highest quality Ætternir is produced.

History & Usage


Ætternir was first discovered in the ancient Kaldahall Heights by a pioneering Dvergar named Thora Deepdelver. Known for her unyielding determination and exceptional mining skills, Thora unearthed the metal while exploring uncharted depths of the mountain range. Her discovery marked a significant breakthrough in understanding the unique properties of this new metal, which exhibited remarkable resistance to decay and time. Initially used in forging durable tools and weapons, Thora's find revolutionized Dvergar craftsmanship. Her discovery not only highlighted the metal's exceptional qualities but also secured her place in Dvergar history, as Ætternir became integral to their culture and technology.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Ætternir holds profound cultural significance for the Dvergar. Deeply connected to the earth, the Dvergar mine Ætternir from the Kaldahall Heights, where they maintain extensive underground halls and fortified mines. The metal is also used in clan-specific rituals, symbolizing clan pride and ancestral heritage. Ætternir's use in artifacts and technology highlights the Dvergar's ingenuity and deep-seated reverence for the material, cementing its role as a symbol of their enduring legacy and craftsmanship.


Refining Ætternir is a complex process due to its high melting point and unique properties. The raw ore, extracted from Kaldahall Heights, is first crushed and sorted before being smelted at temperatures around 1,800°C (3,272°F). Specialized furnaces are used to achieve this extreme heat, allowing impurities to be removed and pure Ætternir to be collected. The molten metal is then cast into ingots and cooled slowly to preserve its integrity. Further refining involves alloying and tempering to enhance its properties, ensuring the final product meets the stringent standards required for its various applications.

Manufacturing & Products

Ætternir is renowned for its exceptional durability and resistance to decay, making it an ideal material for crafting high-quality weapons, sturdy armor, and advanced technology components. Its remarkable strength ensures that swords, axes, and armor forged from Ætternir can withstand intense conditions and prolonged use. In technology, Ætternir's resilience is utilized in producing components that require superior durability, making it suitable for high-performance machinery. Jewelry made from Ætternir is exceedingly rare and expensive due to the challenges involved in working with the metal. Its unique properties make it difficult to shape, contributing to its exclusivity and high cost. Additionally, while Ætternir itself is not magical, it is often used in the creation of ceremonial artifacts when combined with runes. This combination imbues the artifacts with magical attributes, enhancing their value and significance beyond their physical form.

Environmental Impact

The high temperatures required to melt Ætternir ore result in significant smoke production. This smoke can contain particulate matter and soot, which may contribute to air pollution if not properly managed. Additionally, the residue from the smoke can settle on nearby vegetation and waterways, potentially impacting local ecosystems. Mining and processing operations must implement effective filtration and waste management systems to minimize environmental damage.


Trade & Market

The primary source of Ætternir, is the kingdom of Havnborg on the continent of Vestraheim. Havnborg, located on the shore closest to the tundra region, oversees extensive mining operations in Kaldahall Heights. This proximity allows the kingdom to extract and process the metal, which is then exported to other kingdoms and regions. Ætternir is highly prized for its unique properties, making it a luxury item and an exotic compound in various markets. While Havnborg is the main seller, traveling merchants occasionally offer Ætternir ore at markets and fairs.

Law & Regulation

Due to its high melting point and the technical skill required to work with it, the usage and distribution of Ætternir are strictly regulated. Craftsmen and blacksmiths must obtain a special permit to handle and forge the metal, ensuring that only those with the necessary expertise and equipment can process it safely. The permit system also helps to control the distribution of Ætternir, preventing unauthorized use and ensuring that this valuable resource is utilized responsibly and efficiently.
One Ætternir Ingot (weighing around 10 pounds): 5 GC
While not extremely rare, is difficult to mine and process.
A faint, crisp scent reminiscent of fresh, icy air or a snowy morning.
A slight bitterness hat leaves a cooling effect on the tongue, reminiscent of licking a frosty icicle.
A cool, frosted blue with hints of silver, reminiscent of ice and snow, adding a mystical element.
Melting / Freezing Point
Melts at approximately 1,800°C (3,272°F)
19.3 g/cm³
Common State
Raw Ore
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