Moonstrand Silk


Trade & Market

Moonstrand Silk, a rare and magical material, is carefully gathered by intrepid adventurers who navigate the moonlit woodlands of Midgarden, extracting the precious threads from the intricate webs of the Arachnae Lunaris. This treasured silk occasionally finds its way into the hands of alchemists specializing in rare ingredients, who recognize its unique properties for their enchantments and concoctions. While the Aetherians, deeply reverent of the silk's origin, are unlikely to sell it, Moonstrand Silk remains a coveted and exclusive resource, woven with the mysteries of the enchanted realm.


The storage of Moonstrand Silk, Lunaweave fabric, and Stellathread demands careful consideration due to their magical and delicate nature. Moonstrand Silk, with its innate enchantment, is best preserved within airtight containers made from natural materials, such as wooden boxes lined with soft moss to maintain its ethereal properties.

While these materials do not require specialized infrastructure like freezing or pressurized tanks, they do necessitate an environment that mitigates exposure to sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures. Crafters and collectors often invest in protective enchantments or storage areas within cool, dimly lit chambers to maintain the integrity and magical properties of these precious resources. Such meticulous care and attention ensure that Moonstrand Silk, Lunaweave fabric, and Stellathread remain vibrant and potent, ready to be fashioned into remarkable creations or harnessed for their enchanting properties.

Law & Regulation

Moonstrand Silk's usage and distribution are guided by a unique blend of reverence and practicality within the realm of Midgarden. The delicate and magical nature of the silk is deeply respected by both the Aetherians and those who seek to harness its potential. While not subjected to formal laws, a shared understanding exists that the silk should be used responsibly and with consideration for the Arachnae Lunaris and their habitat. This unspoken agreement ensures that Moonstrand Silk is primarily harvested by skilled adventurers and occasionally obtained by alchemists specializing in rare ingredients. The Aetherians, who hold a sacred bond with the spiders, seldom sell the silk, and its scarcity serves as a deterrent against unauthorized acquisition.
1 ounce - 100 - 500 Gleaming Crystals
Exceptionally Rare