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Delanas banjo

Tintomara Lazulis banjo.   Instrument of the Bards, Fochlucan bandore
Dungeon Master's Guide
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a bard)
  An instrument of the bards is an exquisite example of its kind, superior to an ordinary instrument in every way. Seven types of these instruments exist, each named after a legendary bard college. The following table lists the spells common to all instruments, as well as the spells specific to each one and its rarity. A creature that attempts to play the instrument without being attuned to it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d4 psychic damage.   You can use an action to play the instrument and cast one of its spells. Once the instrument has been used to cast a spell, it can't be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn. The spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC.   You can play the instrument while casting a spell that causes any of its targets to be charmed on a failed saving throw, thereby imposing disadvantage on the save. This effect applies only if the spell has a somatic or a material component.   Spells. Fly, Invisibility, Levitate, Protection from Evil and Good, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals  


Fey. The item is exquisitely crafted from the finest materials and glows with a pale radiance in moonlight, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. Any metal in the item is silver or mithral rather than iron or steel.   Banjon har funnits i släkten Lazulie i flera generationer, då den först tillhörde Tintomaras gammelgammelgammelmormor Delana Lazulie.   

Historisk detalj

Religious. This item was used in religious ceremonies dedicated to a particular deity. It has holy symbols worked into it. The god's followers might try to persuade its owner to donate it to a temple, steal the item for themselves, or celebrate its use by a cleric or paladin of the same deity.   Banjon är tillägnad Iolanthe - dansens, sångens och den förbjudna kärlekens demigudinna.  

Särskild egenskap

Hidden message. A message is hidden somewhere on the item. It might be visible only at a certain time of the year, under the light of one phase of the moon, or in a specific location.   Tintomara känner från hörsägen till att det finns en hemlig text någonstans på banjon, och att dess synlighet ska ha något med månens faser att göra. Hen har dock inte lyckats hitta var på banjon denna text står skriven eller lista ut i vilken av månens faser den ska vara synlig, och hen har ingen aning om vad som står i denna hemliga text.  

Udda egenskap

Metamorphic. The item periodically and randomly alters its appearance in slight ways. The bearer has no control over these minor alterations, which have no effect on the item's use.
Item type
Musical Instrument
Current Holder

Cover image: by AI (DALL-E)


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