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Vehicles (water) Xanathar's Guide to Everything, p. 82  

Exempel på havsfordon

  Galej (galley)
Grundpris 30 000 guldmynt
Hastighet 4 mph / ~ 6,5 km/h   Kölbåt (keelboat)
Grundpris 3000 guldmynt
Hastighet 1 mph / ~ 1,5 km/h   Långskepp (longship)
Grundpris 10 000 guldmynt
Hastighet 3 mph / ~ 5 km/h   Roddbåt (rowboat)
Grundpris 50 guldmynt
Hastighet 1,5 mph / ~ 2,5 km/h   Segelskepp (sailing ship)
Grundpris 10 000 guldmynt
Hastighet 2 mph / ~ 3 km/h   Stridsskepp (warship)
Grundpris 25 000 guldmynt
Hastighet 2,5 mph / ~ 4 km/h  


  Färdighet i hantering av havsfordon kan bland annat användas på följande sätt:   Vehicle Proficiency. If you have proficiency with water vehicles you can add your proficiency bonus to any check you make to control that kind of vehicle in difficult circumstances.   Arcana. When you study a magic vehicle, this tool proficiency aids you in uncovering lore or determining how the vehicle operates.
  Investigation, Perception. When you inspect a vehicle for clues or hidden information, your proficiency aids you in noticing things that others might miss.
  Vehicle handling. When piloting a vehicle, you can add your proficiency bonus to the vehicles AC and saving throws.
  Navigate rough waters. DC 10
  Assess a vehicle's condition. DC 15
  Take a tight corner at high speed. DC 20

Cover image: by AI (DALL-E)


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