Ancients - Er'Wain Species in Midrast Wain | World Anvil
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Ancients - Er'Wain

Basic Information


Er'Wain posses no physical form, and currently it is possible to sense them as mere specters within Dreamscape, close to Ember Wielder or Ember. Those Er'Wain that have no vessel to carry them slowly have their Dreams eroded until they form a Weird - a Dreamscape creature of pure feral desire to feed on particular emotions.

Genetics and Reproduction

None. It is believed Er'Wain used to possess means of reproduction but now there are no known methods for them to survive in Dreamscape without Ember so they cannot conceive a new being before becoming a feral Weird.

Ecology and Habitats

Er'Wain were always primarily tied to Dreamscape, where they prospered and fed onto weaker Dreamtearers. Particularly well-fed individual possessed a unique ability to consciously affect the Dreams of sleeping individuals and communicate with them.   This was often seen as divine intervention, and most commonly found reverence amongst dragon kind. Er'Wain could thus affect actions taken by individuals or even entire communities to better their own appetite for lesser Dreamtearers, and particularly strong ones started devising a way to gain a more permanent, less dependent access to Physical realm.   What exactly occurred is unknown, but the entire population of Er'Wain either succumbed to feral state and became Weirds, or were trapped inside shooting stars in Ember

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lesser Dreamtearers, lurking at edges of Dreams. Greater Dreamtearers are impervious to Er'Wain.

Biological Cycle

Er'Wain ebb and flow much like tides, the energy they store from devouring lesser Dreamtearers can be expelled at will to affect ripples of soul (links between Physical realm and Dreamscape) in such a way that will either spawn more Dreamtearers as a direct result of creature's actions or earns a symbiotic trust of the intended creature - usually by granting him or her temporary power beyond mortal limits (which is, in fact, just Er'Wain temporarily twisting laws of nature with their stored energy)    Ember Crystals where the Er'Wain resides disappear from physical world, when they link to an individual and that allows Er'Wain more direct appearance in physical world.   However, the crystal will remain in Dreamscape only for as long as the host Ember Wielder is alive. It will re-appear back into physical world when Ember Wielder dies - trapping Er'Wain back inside Dreamscape.   If the Ember crystal is at any point damaged or destroyed, Er'Wain becomes a feral Weird and loses all grip on physical world.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Er'Wain have indirect way of interacting with their environment through Ember wielders but as long as they remain trapped within confines of Ember , they can only sense sleeping or dead individuals nearby. It takes a willing sacrifice of a dying creature to establish a link between physical world and Dreamscape for third creature to be a host to Er'Wain and connect them, such individual is then called Ember Wielder.
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
In equal parts extinct and yet alive.
Geographic Distribution

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