An Overview of Current Azleveeran Military Structure

Surprisingly, the military structure of Azleveer remains mostly unchanged from what it was prior to his uprising. This is surprising because Granvath and his supporters were fairly outspoken about their disdain for the governmental systems that the Council of Azleveer had set in place. There are a few distinct changes however.   Vardor's Blackstaeff Military Academy remains the prime location for the training of recruits. A great many young followers are turned into hardened fighters here. Soldiers who do not pass a certain threshold of skill or competence are sent on special assignment to an unknown facility. It is said by high ranking officials that they are put to good use and ultimately made to serve a greater purpose for Azleveer. What that purpose may be is unknown to most. This is a new change under Granvath. Previously, such recruits would be ejected from the academy or sent back through if officers felt they had the potential.



Listed below are the primary ranks and positions of the various military structures in Azleveer:

Naval Ranking


Grand Admiral Reddin Stetrock 

Admiral Mar Strand 

Admiral Den Tessun Vice Admiral Genri Farre'st Vice Admiral Willow Endro Thresher Captains Captains Officers Deckhands   Infantry   High Commander Yesrin Sirith Commanders Generals Lieutenants Officers Infantry   Special Ranks   Commandant Kharnem


Vardor's Sirith Academy is a top military training school that churns out Azleveer's best soldiers. It is named for the Siriths, a long standing military bloodline.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy