Celestial Flower

The following is an excerpt from a book on rare plants of Merriby, written by Skell Caughtcross         The Celestial Flower-       Rarity: High-Very High       Number Discovered: 29         The Celestial Flower is a unique plant. It does not grow in any predictable pattern or order, but instead grows in seemingly random places at random times. Some claim that the growth of a celestial flower is determined by the gods themselves and planted by an angel.   The flower has several known properties. If the petals are ground up and mixed with water, a kind of healing tonic can be created that is akin to a Superior Healing Potion. If the petals are consumed raw, it is said that one will have visions (some claim for them to be of the future). For either of these effects to occur, every petal must be stripped from the flower and used or the effect will not occur.   There are some who claim that the flowers have a greater purpose or represent something. A single celestial flower began to grow in the Jayheim Gardens when Percerian Rhorellian was born (you've likely heard the legend). This flower has remained healthy as the young Rhorellian has grown, and shows no signs of age. Others believe that the flower has use in rituals, but there is no proof of this either. Research points to this conclusion: the flowers are more symbolic than anything else. A larger number has been found in times of peace than in times of war. Though it clearly has certain magical properties, the flower has more value in what it represents than in what it actually is. I understand that this theory will be unpopular among those who believe in the gods above, but as a thinking man, I do not.


Has certain alchemical and arcane properties, and is a symbol of peace and prosperity.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Very Rare
Nearly Weightless
Known Celestial Flowers: -The Outcasts have 2 in their possession -There is 1 in the Jayheim Gardens