
The Dawnsword is the blade wielded by Aarathor, the ancient warrior and founder of the Blightslayers. It is said to be where he fell.   Recovered scriptures found within old tombs to the north state that it lies where Aarathor fell. If this is true, it should be within the Kyrimhearth. The texts of old say that Aarathor and Aarathane had an agreement. Aarathane would lead the corrupted Blightslayer armies away from the Kyrimhearth, making them believe that it was somewhere else. Aarathor would stay, leading the pure toward the center of the Kyrimhearth, where their ethereal souls could be held safely within a magical artifact known as the Sphere of Exaltation. Aarathane ran for miles, Yvyrr's army in pursuit. He managed to buy enough time for Aarathor to save thousands, but eventually fell in battle. The armies were said to have eventually found the Kyrimhearth, but by then, all of the pure souls had been sealed away in the Sphere. They would be safe there until someone who took the Oath of the Blightslayer came to free them. When Yvyrr entered the Kyrimhearth, Aarathor was all that remained. He fought for hours, holding the army at bay. It is said that he killed hundreds of corrupted soldiers. If one was to find the Kyrimhearth and enter it, they would likely find the Dawnsword.