Death in Midrial

Death is a sacred thing. Depending on where you are in the world, people view it in a variety of ways. Many fear it and approach it with the same level of uncertainty that is common among humans. But there are some who see death as a part of life; one so essential that to avoid it is the natural way. In a world where people possess the type of magic that can bring people back to life, what changes?  


Certain spells can bring the dead back to the land of the living. True Resurrection is one of these spells. Among other specifications and components (many of them costly), the spell states that the soul must be "free and willing". For many, this is not the case. Some people's souls are traded and dealt with by devils and fiends without their knowing. For some who die, they become soldiers in an endless war beyond the material plane. Some, Warlocks for example, make deals with entities on their own, selling their soul for power. But even those who have lived a clean life don't always return to the world through resurrection. Resurrection only works if the soul is willing. For many, the afterlife is far more desirable a place than the material world (depending on where the souls ends up). Some souls are content with death. Or they see death as part of life, such that they refuse to return to the material plane.    Putting aside the fact that resurrection is an extremely rare ability, there are often consequences for it as well. Powerful entities do not always appreciate the resurrection of their underlings. This can sometimes be seen as thievery, and it can anger the being who oversees the soul. Clerics and healers who perform the ceremony can become targets to mortals and immortals alike.