The Primal

An excerpt from Hergood Bladebrew's "Legends of the Brilia Wood":   As if orcs and gnolls weren’t frightening enough, this organization proves that the races are more intelligent and capable than previously imagined. The Primal dwell on the western side of Lethny Glade and are said have amassed an impressive army of trained beasts. I haven’t gotten too close myself, as I’m told they are somewhat volatile. They are also a rather old faction but have been destroyed and rebuilt so many times that they aren’t recognizable as what they were before. The Primal are a clan. Thusly, their leadership follows this structure. There are 3 elders who rule over the camp. Baski, the gnoll elder watches over the gnolls. He is quite old from what I hear, rare for a gnoll. The gnolls act as the underlings for the orcs, though Baski is treated with equal respect among everyone. Undo is the orc leader. He is younger than Baski, but just as respected by the tribe. Tinder is a bugbear, a veteran of the Halian war. She watches over the beasts, many of which once were native to Uslos. The Primal tend to keep to themselves. Maybe they’ve learned from the years of bloodshed to stay out of other people’s business.

Mythology & Lore

They worship gods that are not sanctioned in the empire due to the savagery of their domains.

205 (Estimate) - They have disbanded and been reformed many times

Geopolitical, Tribe
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ethnicities