Valatanan History

The Imperial Coalition of Valtana is the largest unified state in Costrana. They have lived in virtual peace for many years since the growth in wealth led to the creation of a powerful monarchy. The sitting ruler is King Shamir Allvine. He rules somewhat passively, and is advised in most decisions by his court of curated and tactical politicians. The empire was born out of the Plyde Dunes, and is, at its heart, a desert native empire. The city states that bordered the formerly small empire had little regard for them until the discovery of mineral rich caves in 691. This sudden increase in wealth allowed for expansion. The Court of the Allvine family peaceful expanded into many of the surrounding areas, soon enveloping a large portion of Valtana for the creation of their new empire in 788.   The nobility is a human one, and because they too were once outcasts, they are a welcoming people today. They respect the elders of society and hold them in high esteem.   King Allvine:   King Shamir Allvine has ruled for 20 years. He took the throne after his mother's passing in 1230. His mother, Queen Dendra Allvine II, was responsible for the mostly peaceful acquisition of Zel' Vondar, the peninsula to the north of the empire. In 1244, he married a princess of the Thralkeld people (now Queen Andrea Allvine), who dwell in the Fallen Isles east of Valtana.     Foreign Affairs:   Valtana has an informal policy of staying neutral and away from the various conflicts that occur in Costrana. They had a strict peace treaty with Azleveer, but it stated that they would not become involved in the case of war. So, when civil war broke out, the empire was forced to watch from afar.   They have a much harder time maintaining peaceful relations with the Guilds of Volagvoros. The guild's interest conflicts with their own in the acquisition of materials and artifacts, and this often leads to bloodshed in the Northlands and eastern Falduune. They do maintain a strong relationship with Covenfeld and Thae Aleeri, and sent relief to the people of Leleathir after the destruction of their lands.   Zel' Vondar:   Zel' Vondar had long existed independently of both Azleveer and Valtana. Both nations hoped to take it into their own empires, but Zel' Vondar's political activists pushed hard for independence. This persisted until the year 1212, when pirate raids along the coast became so bad that no food could reach the city of Cen'tacliff. Many starved, and this changed many's minds about independence. 3 years later, Zel' Vondar accepted folding into the empire in exchange for protection.   Technology, Education and Religion:   The government of Valtana is not aggressive and has little need to further expansion. However, their desire for the artifacts from the ancient war between the gods and the Blightslayers is great. They send regular search parties to the Northlands and the surrounding islands, desperately hoping to gather any potential boons for their military. Or, more likely, to keep them out of guild hands.   Religiously, Valtana is quite open. They allow their citizens to worship as they please. They are, however, quick to punish those who worship dark gods.   Valtana has no unified system of education. The individual cities of its reach are responsible for providing educational opportunities based on what they deem to be important. While present in Valtana, schooling is less important to the average citizen, especially to those of coastal cities who mostly see their lot in life as predetermined to be sailors or dock workers. In Zel' Vondar, Valtana's new aquisition, education is more valued. The schools of Talonor are known for their quality, but are quite selective.