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Children of bahamut

A light in the Darkness

The Children of Bahamut formed out of the survivors of the War of Amladrin in the year 414. They came together for one simple purpose, help those who have been driven from their homes and had their lives destroyed, they take in refugees and help in anyway they can, if asked they will help fight against those who would oppress the weak and those who cannot fight for themselves. The Order is by no means a large organization but they do what they can when they are able to. They offer protection to the surrounding towns and villages taking on Orc, Goblin, or Bandit camps when they come up and start causing trouble for the people. In return for this protection the towns and villages give them some of their crops and trade goods when they are able.

The Children of Bahamuts keep is not a very large one, it is comprised of a temple for worship, a hospital, an armory to store their gear in, a sleeping hall for members of the Order, a hall for refugees to sleep in, a market place, and a food hall. Their leaders name is Alexander Belvington, a paladin of great respect, he leads not from the safety of his keep, but from the front lines along with those who fight beside him, he has been in charge for 30 years.


Lawful Good


Alexander Belvington

Religious, Holy Order


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