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Masters of the Mystics

Arcane Master's

The Master's of the Mystic's consider themselves to be some of the best Wizards on the continent of Alora. Not just anyone can join them, you have to be chosen by them, and sought out by one of their seekers, and prove to them you are worthy to join them. You can go to their towers and visit parts of their libaries, but only memebers of the order have access to everything in the tower. Not just anyone in the order can choose to invite someone to the order, the person has to go before a tribunal and convince a set of judges that you are worth being tested. Each of the heads of the order represent one of the different school's of magic. They choose not to get involved with politics and squabbles between kingdom's, the Master's of the Mystics care only for knowledge and learning more way to bend the weave to their will. No knowledge of magic is considered forbidden or taboo by the order, they want to progress their understanding of magic.

Towers and Headquarters

Iseen Keep-Iseen Keep is the headquarters and main campus for the Master's of the Mystics. It is located in the plains of Alora on the river calivard on the south eastern part of the continent. The keep itself made up of a central tower that looks like four tower's smashed together surrounded by five smaller towers, and around that are stone wall's that are patrolled by guards that have been hired by the order to help protect the keep. Iseen keep will offer to teach some people, but becuase of the previlience of magic school's in Alora they dont take on that many student's, only those who show enough promise to eventually join the order.

Elder keep Tower-A branch of the order is located in Elder Keep, its job is to keep watch over the city and offer assistance when asked by the city ruler's. This tower is a smaller singular tower and doesn't offer as wide of a library as Iseen Keep would.

Lothelian Tower-Lothelian Tower is the smallest of the tower's simply for the fact that the High Elves have Knowledge of Magic that rivals the order. This tower is here simply to be the orders presense in Lothelian, and to collect information.

Baraden Keep-A small keep on the Durram continent that acts as how Iseen Keep and the towers would on Alora. Baraden Keep is the eyes and ears of the order on the Durram continent. The keep here is a chapel and tower put together with a stone wall surrounding it. They offer to teach Dwarves and some of the Dragonborn magic in exchange for supplies and items.

Eradale Tower-The Tower in the Dwarven Kindgom isn't inside the city becuase the Dwarves didn't want mages interfering with their business but they did allow them to build their tower just outside the mountain. This tower was built into the side of the mountain and with a passage leading from the tower into the city.

Guild, Mages




Some old Dudes whos names i havent decided yet


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