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Rangers Guild

Nature's Warden's

A place for Ranger's new and old to learn and practice their skills, learn new skill's, and get special Ranger supplie's. There is a place for ranger's to let their pet's stay a while when they want to give them a rest or need to get their companion medical attention. The guild is deep within one of Alora's forest's, to find it you have to be able to track it down and follow the trail to it, as they dont just advertise where they are to new comers. Part of the test for joining the Ranger's guild is finding where the guild is. There is no real leader of the Ranger's guild as the guild is more of just a place for Ranger's to gather together and share information with each other and set up shops for other Ranger's to buy item's to help them in the field, but they do have someone who serves the purpose as a leader when it comes to crimes against the guild or allowing in new members. This person's name is Maranna, a Woodelf, known for her skills as a tracker and being able to blend in with any enviroment.

The guild's camp is built up of many hut's, tent's, cabin's, a tavern, and a meeting hall. There are rope bridges running along the tree's for the watcher's to have a wide view of the surrounding forest area. You wil not find this to be a busy place filled with Ranger's, more of a place where Ranger's go to learn, to resupply, and to practise their craft. The guild camp is a very practical place, not a place for leissure, or comfort.

The Ranger's who first settled the camp site did so with the intention of having a place where they could come and share knowledge with each other, and invite other Ranger's to come and learn and share their knowledge, so long as they could find the camp. The Ranger's will not turn away anyone who finds the camp and want's to learn, somlomg as they do not enter the camp with ill-intent and an army at their back, for if you do show up with an army at your back you may find yourself or your friends at the bottom of a pit, in a trap, or missing a limb.

Guild, Professional


Neutral Good

Head Ranger



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