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The Hell Bringer’s

Hell's on Midvar

The Hell bringer's are a Religious organization that follow the god Asmodeus. They preach about how they are going to summon Asmodeus next Friday after the pot luck dinner. No one takes the Hell bringers seriously because of just how much it seems like they care more about the pot luck than they do Asmodeus. Most people the group just use's Asmodeus name to get people's attention and get them to come to the pot luck so they can have more food. On every second Tuesday of the month they have an Ice Cream social to tell people all about Asmodeus, but they end up just promoting the pot luck fridays.

Their main church is somewhere out in the middle of no where in Alora, people who have seen the church say it is a very large stone cathedral with 4 tower's, 1 at each of the corners of the building. It is lined with many stained glass windows dipicting Asmodeus coming from the Nine Hell's into the mortal realm and destroying all life, and strangly enough, one depiction of their weekly pot luck. No outsiders are allowed to come into the main church building, they have cultist outside at all times to make sure only followers of Asmodeus enter the building. When gathering here all the followers wear a cloak and mask. Many who are not followers have tried to get in to the church by wearing a mask and cloak but have been quickly turned away.

Religious, Cult




Neutral Idiots


Every Friday

Ice Cream Social

Every second Tuesday


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