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Sword of Perias

One of the greatest swords to ever be forged in all of Wyrmington. Made by the legendary smith, Quotos, this scimitar was forged using the finest metals and bathed in wyrm blood. The blade was forged in around the year 150 for use in wyrmslaying and is a magical item and so it is very valuable. It was made in the city of Perias, which is now completely submerged in the Great Sea. Perias was a thriving city in the rim forests of the east. Most main cities in Wyrmington had their own swords, made by the city's greatest smith. It is said that the Sword of Perias was used to slay more than fifty-thousand wyrms in its existance. It is currently in the posession of Marius Syrobrine, the hero of Eastshire and collecter of a vast collection of blades and jewels. It is in his museum for all to see.

Its Tale

In the year 150, the Duke of Perias was noticing rising numbers of highly agressive wyrms within city grounds. The weapons carried by the knights of Perias stood no chance against their thick and scale-covered hides. Because of this, the Duke requested the help of a man he held very high: Quotos the Smith. Quotos was known for his reliable blades and was paid with one-hundred miles of land on the east rim in exchange for his service. He worked for a year and finally finished, gifting the sword upon the Duke. The blade was made with the help of the monks of the inner-city monastary, who enchanted it, using much blood sacrifice. The sword was then carried by the great hero Alando. He killed off all of the wyrms on that side of Wyrmington with it over the next decade. One day, however, the warrior was drunk and gambling in the market and he lost The Sword of Perias to a bet to to a shady buyer in a game of poker. It was never seen again until more recently, when Marius Syrobrine "mysteriously" found it in his collection.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
Base Price
At least 100 million trade tokens


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