Alessandro Black

Alessandro Black is the leader of the contingent of House Black in Demara where he rules over the area that formerly belonged to House Darkwood before the Great Dragonwar. Alessandro firmly believes in the caste system and that it is a must for a society to thrive. He also has grown the number of indentured servants in the region of Nightfall to the detriment of the people.   Personality   Alessandro is very arrogant and always surrounds himself with his servants, sycophants, and loyal bat guards. He loves to be waited on and believes his role as Lord of House Black in Demara means that everyone else is there to serve his whims. He thinks of himself as being an excellent tactician but many think he has risen to his position by taking credit for the deeds of those under him. He claims to have brought order and justice to the region of nightfall and seems to like to rule with an iron fist.   Background   Lord Alessandro Black was born into a noble vampire family, who have long practiced the dark arts of necromancy. As a child, Alessesandro showed great aptitude for magic and was soon schooled in the ways of the undead by his father. As he grew older, Alessandro became obsessed with the idea of gaining ultimate power, and delved deeper and deeper into the forbidden magic of necromancy. Eventually, he became a master of the dark art and used his powers to rule over his domain with an iron fist.   Abilities and Powers   Lord Alessandro is a powerful necromancer, capable of animating the dead and controlling them with his will. He also possesses typical vampiric abilities, such as superhuman strength, speed, and senses, as well as the ability to shape-shift into a bat or mist. He is highly intelligent and charismatic and often uses his charm to manipulate others to do his bidding. Additionally, he is a skilled swordsman and carries a magical longsword that can drain the life force of those it strikes.   Motivations   Lord Alessandro seeks to expand his power and influence, both over the living and the dead. He desires to become the most powerful being in his domain, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He also harbors a deep hatred for the living, whom he sees as weak and inferior, and seeks to subjugate them to his will.   Allies and Enemies   Lord Alessandro has few true allies, as he trusts no one and keeps his true motivations hidden. However, he often employs necromancers and other dark wizards to aid him in his endeavors. His enemies include any who oppose his rule, as well as those who practice the holy magic that can harm him, such as clerics and paladins. He is also deeply despised by the local populace, who fear and revile him for his vampiric and necromantic powers.
Alias:      Titles: Lord of House Black (Demaran), Raznian Ambassador for House Black in Demaran     House: House Black     Nicknames: The Baron of Death     Home: Nightfall, Demara     Former Homes: Shadespire, Razenia     Sex: Male     Race: Human (Vampire)   Patron Deity:      Dates     Born:     Family   Father: Balizar Black   Uncle: Malfious Black   Siblings:   Cousins: Basileus Black, Velorina Black   Children:


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