Balizar Black

Balizar Black is the Viceroy of House Black and is currently in charge of all the House's dealing in Razenia and abroad while Malfious Black is busy with his research into the necromantic arts.  He is the younger brother of Malfious Black and has two sons and a daughter.   Personality   Balizar is very cunning and is considered an excellent tactician and was instrumental in Razenia's success in the Great Dragonwar.  He can be ruthless when needed but also can be a great ally to those who are in a position to help him ascend to power.
Alias:      Titles: Viceroy     House: House Black     Nicknames:     Home: Shadespire, Razenia   Former Homes:     Sex: Male     Race: Human (Vampire)     Patron Deity:     Dates     Born: Unknown     Family   Brother: Malfious Black   Children: Alessandro Black   Nephew: Basileus Black   Niece: Velorina Black


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