
Damos is the God of Death and helps maintain the balance between the god and evil deities at times.  He strives to maintain the balance between good and evil and to make sure one does not get too much stronger than the other and that the pantheon retains a good balance between the two.  Damos has many followers most of his priests are those who provide last rites to the dying and his sisters of mercy can be seen roaming the battlefields cleaning up the dead and helping the injured.  He also has some necromancers and wizards who dabble in raising the dead as followers but only those of neutral standing and with bodies that have been donated in death to the study of necromancy.  He is fine with undead being used as servants and such as long as they are from those who willingly gave up their corpses to do so and if they are not being used to tip the balance too much between good and evil.   History:
Basic Information  
Titles: Lord of the Dead, Death Lord, The Judge, The Mediator   Symbol: A half white half black skull emblazoned   Power Level: Greater Deity   Homeplane:    Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Portfolio: Dead   Worshippers: Priest who perform last rites to the dying, Sisters of Mercy, Necromancers   Cleric Alignments: Lawful Neutral   Servitor Creatures:   Favored Weapon: The Balance of Judgement (Scythe)   Manifestations:   Domains: Death, Grave


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